Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Don't You Feel it Too? on You Tube

For those who aren't yet familiar with Don't You Feel It Too?, here are a few videos to show you how it can go. You don't need to be a "dancer" to participate; you just need to have some tunes and a temporary dose of moxie. (The right shoes help, too.)

Kulture Klub Collaborative Embraces DYFIT

Marcus on Nicollet Mall

DYFIT: We Are Dancing in September

Season delayed but spirits undaunted, we once again prepare to ask: DON'T YOU FEEL IT TOO?

We have set four dancing dates in September (and probably more to come in October).

WHERE: Start at Peavey Plaza, 11th and Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

Thurs, 9/6
Tues, 9/11
Tues, 9/18
Fri, 9/21

5 p.m. (early-ish due to the waning light) 

Feel free to join late; we will most likely be dancing till approx. 6:30, when we'll rest and close back in Peavey Plaza. If you need to leave early, we understand. Wrap up by 7 p.m. (sunset!)

Mp3 player and headphones/buds
Dance-able shoes and clothes
Not much else--you want your arms, body and mind free to move

Questions, email me, Diane, or call my cell: 651-253-2489.

Remember how good this feels (or find out). Spread the word.