Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Public Performance/Mind-Body Workshops NYC

Contact: or

What: A workshop to introduce a new form of public performance and mind-body experiment called “Don’t you feel it too?”

For: Artists, non-artists, meditators, yoga folks, experimentalists, dancers, people looking for happiness or mischief, etc.

Why: To expand the discourse on performance practice: How does this practice relate to theater, to disruptive realism or pranksterism? Where does work like this belong?

When: Take one or more of the following sessions. Sessions will be indoors if it rains.
-Saturday, Oct 10, 12.00-3.00pm
-Tuesday, Oct 13, 10.30am-1.30pm
-Friday, Oct 16, 10.30am-1.30pm

Where: Theater for the New City, 155 1st Avenue at 10th St.

Cost: $5/session cash at the door, or FREE with purchase of a mainstage ticket of the National Asian American Theater Festival

How: Participants must bring an mp3 player with some of their most beloved music on a playlist, approximately 30 minutes. We will dance in public, so wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Bring water.

Contact: For sign-up or questions, visit or email: Sign-up for the workshop is recommended. If you drop in without signing up, just be sure to bring an mp3 player.

Info: "Don’t you feel it too?" is the practice of freeing your spirit through dancing your inner life in public places. A generous and courageous act of self-embarrassment and joy, the work is also emotional study, gentle protest, social interaction, performance, and physical exercise. While other more venerable forms of mind-body practice have developed over millennia, this new practice premiered on the streets of the Republican National Convention in Saint Paul in 2008. We invite artists and non-artists to learn and expand this playful form.

Grace MN is a behavioral art studio whose work attends to the inner, natural, and civic life, creating personal practice and collective experience. The group is founded by behavioral artist Marcus Young, currently public artist in residence for the City of Saint Paul, a program of Public Art Saint Paul. This activity is made possible by funds from Jerome Foundation and is a parallel project of the National Asian American Theater Festival.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Rain Dancing

OK, the dance is on for Friday, Sept. 25.  It may not be a bright sunshiney day but the weather may take you to a new, quieter place in your DYFIT practice.  Do not think that you have to come out in this grey-ness.  If you do chose to dance with us maybe the rain will be transformative.

Meet at the Library at 4PM.  Questions?  Call 651-336-4202

Weather Update

As of right now we are on for today, Friday Sept. 25.  In the case of passing rain or drizzle we will still dance.  If there is a dangerous storm we will cancel. 

At 3:30 we will make the final call.  You can check back here on this site, on or call 651-336-4202 for a voice mail message.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today's Activity

We meet today, September 23 and Friday, September 25 at 4PM on the steps of the downtown Minneapolis Central Library.

If you are dancing with us, by now you should have signed up and are getting the participant updates.  If you are not on the update list yet please contact kathleen

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Confirmation from DYFIT-ers Requested

Message from Marcus Young

Dear daring DYFIT-ers!

Last year, dancing on Nicollet Mall and at the RNC was a transformative experience.  I think we all felt it!...even if we weren't exactly sure what it was.  For the past two months we have continued to explore this new practice, and again we come to a culmination--a worthy test of ourselves.  We know it can be joyful, open, embarrassing, scary, freeing, spiritual, and like offering a service to the public.  The form is simple, so how is it the experience is so rich? If you haven't joined us this year, there is still time to give it a try.  If you are already an experimentalist, or you already know this work, please consider dancing with us.  I will be at the remaining practice sessions.   Then, there are two "performances."  You can dance with us as few or as many times as you wish, even if you can't make the "performances." Go to this 
Survey Monkey link
and tell us if you'd like to attend.  We are starting to share music, so getting some advanced notice that you're coming is helpful.  We also celebrate with a really yummy dinner (my treat) where we tell stories, reflect, and create the path for the following year, so RSVP for that as well.  I hope to dance with you on the streets.  If you have any questions, please ask.  

My thanks and luv,  marcus

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Calling Joyful Performers

Photo by Avye Alexander, see more DYFIT 2008 on Flickr

So long summer. Goodbye State Fair. Now is a great time for outdoor fall frolic with the intrepid DYFIT crew.  Only 6 practice sessions left so join us ASAP

Practice Schedule: Final Two Weeks 

  • Wednesday, Sept. 9 and 16, 5PM to 7:30PM, leader Marcus Young/Aki Shibata, meet at Mears Park music stage, lowertown Saint Paul
  • Saturday, Sept 12 and 19, 1-3:30 PM, leader Kathleen Maloney, Minneapolis Central Library, Room N-202, 300 Nicollet Mall, downtown Minneapolis
  • Monday, Sept 14 and 21, 5:30-8PM (note: new start time), leader Theresa Madaus/Julia Kouneski, meet at Peavey Plaza, downtown Minneapolis

In “Don’t you feel it too?” (DYFIT) participants dance their inner lives in public places, confronting personal awkwardness and practicing physical joy. But the investigation is an outward one too: DYFIT functions as gentle disobedience, as dialogue between strangers, and as ethnographic research. This summer, we build on lessons learned dancing last year at the Republican National Convention and on Nicollet Mall. We invite you to develop this form of play and nurture braver, more open spirits.

Performances will take place 

  • Wednesday and Friday, September 23 and 25, in the late afternoon to early evening. 

You may dance in one or both performances. To participate, try to attend at least 3 practice sessions.  (If you danced with us last year please attend at least one practice.)  Sessions are free, guided, and open to anyone. You need only bring yourself and a set of headphones with music you love. 

To sign up contact:  And for up to the minute updates follow us on Twitter: